Free Consultation!
KeelanMusik offers a free, no obligation consultation for students of any age. During this time we can get to know one another to decide whether lessons are the right choice for the student, & if so, how we can tailor lessons to meet the student's individual needs & interests.
Referral Discounts
Tell your friends! KeelanMusik offers $15 off tuition for each person or family you refer who registers for any of our offerings!
Family Discounts
If two family members are enrolled in any of our classes, KeelanMusik offers a family discount of $20 per semester for the second family member. Mix & match siblings, parents, or grandparents!
If three or more family members are enrolled, each student after the first receives a $20 per semester discount.
Discounts are available for tuition only and do not apply to studio or materials fees.
Children & Youth:
*Fall Semester begins the week of September 10, 2019. Lessons, scheduled on an individual basis, are offered two days per week, on Tuesdays & Thursdays.
*An annual Studio fee covers expenses for all digital technology, games and manipulatives, incentive program, Music Enrichment materials, recitals and end-of-year awards ceremony.
*Two 14-week semesters from September - May:
Wunderkeys Piano for Preschoolers & Wunderkeys Primer Piano include 30-minute private lessons..
Adventures in Piano for grades 1-2 include 40-minute private lessons.
Private lessons for grades 3 & above include a 40-minute private lesson plus 20-minute computer or keyboard lab*. A 60-minute private lesson plus 20-minute lab is available with teacher approval. *Labs are complimentary.
*Ages 7 & up: Music Enrichment Events are held in place of lessons once in the Fall & once in the Spring.
*Parent-Only Class, Winter Recital, Spring Recital & End-of-year Party & Awards Ceremony, are considered events and are held in addition to lessons.
*Optional Events include Austin Music Teachers Association activities.
*Wunderkeys Studio fee ($40) & all other Studio fees ($50) is due at time of registration. Tuition is due the first lesson of each month September - May, or in the case of payment by semester, the first lesson of each new 14-week semester.
*Tuition per Wunderkeys 30-minute lesson is $22, events are $29. A monthly payment of $81 is available for tuition only. Tuition per semester: $362.50 when paid in full (save $4.50/semester).
*Tuition per 40-minute lesson or event is $29. Tuition per semester: $460 when paid in full (save $4.50/semester). A monthly payment plan of $103 is available for tuition only.
Tuition per 60-minute lesson is $43 per lesson & $29 per event. Tuition per semester for 60-minute lessons: $657 (save $4.50/semester). A monthly payment plan of $147 is available for tuition only.
*An additional fee applies to music books which are chosen for each specific student.
*Optional Austin District Music Teacher Events charge a small fee.
*Fall Semester begins the week of September 10, 2019. Lessons, scheduled on an individual basis, are offered two days per week: Tuesdays & Thursdays.
*Lessons include a 45-minute private lesson. 60-minute private lessons are available with teacher approval.
*Lessons are weekly with the option of advance cancellation for illness, out-of-town, etc.
*Optional Events include, at the student's request, Studio Recitals and Austin Music Teachers Association activities.
*Studio fee ($15 per year) due at time of registration.
*Tuition is due the first lesson of each month.Tuition is $37 per 45-minute lesson or $50 per 60-minute lesson.
*An additional fee applies to music books which are chosen for each specific student.
*Optional Austin District Music Teacher Events charge a small fee.